Unreliable, inadequate and non-transparent information on food products and, originally, the most vital problem of the food industry today, is now considered the most appropriate approach to generate maximum coherence and transparency.
But we need to know The term "food safety" and "food quality" can be confusing in the long run. Food safety refers to all hazards, whether persistent or acute, that can alter foods that harm the health of consumers. Quality includes all the attributes that affect the value of the product to the consumer. These include positive qualities such as origin, color, taste, texture, and processing methods and negative qualities such as decay, dirt contamination, discoloration, outside of the door. Thus, the distinction between safety and quality involves the public plan and affects the nature and content of the food control system, which is the most appropriate choice to achieve the stated objectives of maintaining food quality.
Research in clarity are some of the most important basic logistical modalities. Blockchain optimizes and leverages transactions and businesses that combine traders with a strong and secure corporate network in Blockchai based on rules or scalability and globally.
Blockchain provides a shared ledger that is streamlined and validated in real time with each competitor in the network. This allows the visibility of equivalent activities and can expose the asset at any time, regardless of the owner and the last condition. Safe, secure and can not be tampered with in any way that encourages the best transparency.
This transparency is the most demanding capital aspect of customers that has increased in recent years. Transparency has the ability to assess the performance of the supply chain and increase stakeholder confidence and, of course, increase customer confidence. Given the characteristics of Blockchain technology, it is the best way to achieve transparency by simply disclosing information to others. The strength of blockchain transparency lies in trust because a transaction can not be modified or manipulated later. Trust can not be achieved by a centralized system because it is impossible for foreigners to judge the value of the information disclosed. Therefore, it is advantageous to use blockchain technology through a centralized system in terms of consumer confidence.
The reasons we chose Blockchain designed this platform to work using blockchain technology as a platform development platform. Because at a glance, blockchain offers a fast and secure online transaction offering and supports all types of data and crypto.
Blockchain technology uses a system in which every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, which preserves the security and transparency of transactions and reduces the possibility of data fraud. We operate Platform CIBUS using blockchain technology, where Cibus block-saved production and distribution records can not be edited and therefore can not be considered fake, so that consumers can use them immediately to remember product.
will ensure that Cibus Platform has a token that can be used as a currency in this platform. We will keep every transaction you make quickly and securely, using blockchain technology. Each party involved in the transaction will be required to use the Cibus token we provide to maintain the speed and security of their transactions.
Escrow Service
We will provide escrow services to manufacturers and consumers by sending them the payment as soon as their transactions are settled properly. It is intended to maintain the security of transactions between producers and consumers.
System -CIBUS
The CIBUS platform will operate using blockchain technology, which will ensure transparency and security on this platform. The systems we design and blockchain technology will be used to determine the quality of food supplements and health as well as the achievement of transparency for consumers. Our goal is to bring food producers and food supplements, producers and sellers under a functional, interactive and mutually beneficial platform based on blockchain technology, to enable open data transparency and to be accessible to all. interested parties. We hope that business owners and consumers will benefit from the transparency, authenticity and reliability of the food they consume.
CIBUS Vision
Global supply chains are very efficient these days, but in many ways they are forged with lack of transparency, fraudulent activity, obsolete inventory, and so on. In addition, the use of obsolete technology or manual procedures creates an undesirable gap between producers and merchants with consumers in many ways. Blockchain technology, potentially used as a safe way to record and transmit data to a secure and decentralized network, has now been seen as a promising way to improve this chain.
One thing that distinguishes CIBUS from other similar projects is that CIBUS will also launch hardware: the best, intuitive, quality sensors that can continue to monitor and continue to send data to the blockchain as articles move from the manufacturer to the user. final
CIBUS has almost created a potential market. The most important factor in the workflow of this system is transparency and total trust. The main objective is to develop ecosystems that deal with market problems, reduce costs and improve efficiency. All of these components will help CIBUS become a favorite for all stakeholders in the supply chain - from producers to traders to consumers.
CIBUS also creates a blockchain-centric procedure that has the flexibility to use on a variety of parameters in the supply chain. The CIBUS protocol based on Ethereal and can write smart contracts, which should add a lot of efficiency, is accompanied by transparency and responsibility for the entire chain.
CIBUS will launch a new kriptocurrency token tokens token from CIBUS, which will only be used on the CUBUS platform in a way that remains associated with every element of the chain. Among other things, these data contain data because the food item is advancing towards its customers, and also provides incentives for stakeholders. The CIBUS chip should be a central part of the equation.
CIBUS seeks to facilitate closed and sovereign supply chains, develop better distribution procedures and make it easy for consumers to see where they buy and what ingredients they buy.
Thus, CIBUS is an encrypted ecosystem. It works with the CIBUS token economy with a direct connection between the user and the network node. Contributions to the CIBUS ecosystem are the promise of a more transparent, bi-directional, sensible and reliable supply chain, or better food security
With this opportunity, we invite you to expand this platform to reach larger communities. We are going to release a Token with the name "Tokus Token", here is the data.
• Name: CBT
• Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 1000 CIBUS Token
• Total amount of chips (max): 100,000,000 CBT
• DATE OF END OF PREMATURE TOKEN DATE: 10:59 (GMT) on February 28, 2018
• Starting date for the sale of ICO chips: 11:00 am (GMT) on February 28, 2018
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